
Make Your Seder Fun!

The  Seder  on Passover night is the most important and memorable night of the Jewish calendar. (  Download the Seder Guide ) It is up to us, however, to create the unforgettable shared experience for our children that the Seder has the potential to be. The Torah tells us that the Seder is meant to be all about the children. In fact, the Talmud (Pesachim 109a) teaches us that there is a special mitzvah to ensure that the children enjoy and stay awake throughout the seder. Below are some of our tried and tested Pesach ideas for creating a fun, exciting and memorable Seder for your children and guests. For convenience, the links below will take you directly to the item for purchase. If you have other ideas for games, activities, themes, etc. please post in the comments below. Children are our guests of honor At the Seder, children aren’t bystanders. They are our guests of honor!  Instead of seating children at a kid’s table, either sit them surrounding the person leading t

Your Journey

Published on as The Smartest Kid in the Room I can’t recall a single instance in all of my school years where I actually studied. My second grade teacher used to call me “Minimum Menachem” because I coasted through school without putting in any effort at all. My teachers got especially frustrated when I would scan a test and if I didn’t know the answer to every single question I would hand it back blank. At the time, I couldn’t tell you why I was doing it, but as an adult I now understand what I was doing. I went through life with my teachers telling me that I was smart. This well-meaning praise was actually creating and reinforcing a fixed mindset. Getting a ‘B’ or ‘C’ tarnishes that title – I am not really that bright after all. A blank test on the other hand just means I have an attitude problem. It doesn’t challenge my status as smartest kid in the room. When I went to study in Yeshiva I entered a strange environment. There were no grades, no class rank

Trying to Smell the Color 9

Trying to understand women is like trying to smell the color 9. Anyone who has ever been in a serious relationship can relate. My wife sent me an article the other day and she prefaced by saying “please read, don’t worry about the title.” I continued to read the title… SHE DIVORCED ME BECAUSE I LEFT DISHES BY THE SINK The article describes the epiphany a guy had after he realized that he doesn’t need to understand  why  his wife wants something. He just needed to be able to recognize, that because its important to her, it needs to be important to him. That’s what a relationship is all about. When I do what I know is important to my wife, even if it makes absolutely no sense to me, I am telling her “I love you and I care about you and the things that are important to you.” She’s not upset about the dish being left on the counter or the coat on the banister, she’s hurt because I am telling her that I don’t respect, honor and love her. If I want my partner to feel